Centre County Senior Resource Centers and Senior Nutrition Program
All Centre County Senior Resource Centers offer weekday congregate meals during lunch time. Daily meals and activities vary among centers and sites. All centers are open from one to five days per week. Please check site locations to determine days of operations before planning a site visit. Participants can enjoy a hot and nutritious lunch.
Registered congregate meal participants age 60 and older (reservations are required) qualify for lunch at no charge. However, consumer contributions of any amount are encouraged when possible to help expand the program. We are currently recommending a donation of $2.00 per meal. Meals served to anyone age 59 and younger may be purchased. Effective January 1, 2023, the cost for lunch at any location will be $6.01 for anyone under the age of sixty years old.
Meals are prepared at the PCN kitchen at the Penns Valley High School and delivered each day.
See Below for Centre County Monthly Meal Menu